Glee Cast - Give Up The Funk Lyrics

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You've got a real type of thing going down, gettin' down
There's a whole lot of rhythm going round

You've got a real type of thing going down, gettin' down
There's a whole lot of rhythm going round

Ow, we want the funk
Give up the funk
Ow, we need the funk
We gotta have that funk

Ow, we want the funk
Give up the funk
Ow, we need the funk
We gotta have that funk

La, la, la, la, la
Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, owww
La, la, la, la, la
Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, owww

We're gonna turn this mother out
We're gonna turn this mother out

You've got a real type of thing going down, gettin' down
There's a whole lot of rhythm going round

You've got a real type of thing going down, gettin' down
There's a whole lot of rhythm going round

You've got a real type of thing going down, gettin' down
There's a whole lot of rhythm going round

Ow, we want the funk
Give up the funk
Ow, we need the funk
We gotta have that funk

Ow, we need the funk
We gotta have that funk

Ow, we want the funk
Give up the funk
Ow, we need the funk
We gotta have that funk

Ow, we want the funk
Give up the funk
Ow, we need the funk
We gotta have that funk

Ow, we want the funk
Give up the funk
Ow, we need the funk
We gotta have that funk

We're gonna turn this mother out
We're gonna turn this mother out
We're gonna turn this mother out
We're gonna turn this mother out

Ow, we want the funk
Give up the funk
Ow, we need the funk
We gotta have that funk

Ow, we want the funk
Give up the funk
Ow, we need the funk
We gotta have that funk

Ow, we want the funk
Give up the funk
Ow, we need the funk
We gotta have that funk

Ow, we want the funk
Give up the funk
Ow, we need the funk
We gotta have that funk

La, la, la, la, la
Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, owww
La, la, la, la, la
Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, owww

You've got a real type of thing going down, gettin' down
There's a whole lot of rhythm going round

You've got a real type of thing going down, gettin' down
There's a whole lot of rhythm going round

Ow, we want the funk
Give up the funk
Ow, we need the funk
We gotta have that funk

Ow, we want the funk
Give up the funk
Ow, we need the funk
We gotta have that funk

Ow, we want the funk
Give up the funk
Ow, we need the funk
We gotta have that funk

Ow, we want the funk
Give up the funk
Ow, we need the funk
We gotta have that funk


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